Very fun essay. Our cultural heritage IS in the hands of corporations...

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This was very good but i feel it ended all to upruptly. Never thought I'd ask this but do you have more to say about Shrek?

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Not about Shrek the movie but I do have more to say about these topics. If you enjoyed this you'd likely enjoy my essay "Blood in the Fields". In the future I'll be doing some essays on the papal encyclicals around Catholic social teaching that cover the same topics.

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Important that we re-establish or create a parallel culture, in essence, and in a manner that doesn't sell out if it becomes popular/successful.

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Jun 9, 2023·edited Jun 9, 2023Author

Does that mean using online resources to funnel each other's money to content creators? How to we balance out that our content may not be as 'good' as theirs?

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Depending on what you mean by good, where I have in mind production values, there are plenty of stories to be told that don't rely on CGI spectacle. In the realm of the written word obviously it is easier to enter in terms of cost and considering what takes off and sells in the mainstream I think there's an argument that they don't need to be all time greats to move the needle. What may be more important is not to go head to head and be a pale imitation of capeshit or whatever where there is untold money going into it already. Ref The Chosen which has OK production values but is also not telling stories that rely on them as the heart in the first place.

As for online resources to funnel money: production houses or other more centralized means of combining funds. I dont know, no experience with that though I'm aware it could smooth out jankiness around kickstarters or other one off crowd funders. If you mean as individuals I don't subscribe to Netflix, disney+, Hulu, but I do subscribe to motoamerica (which isn't pozzed and still has umbrella babes) and motogp. I do give money via substack to a few writers/essayists who have had influence on me or who I simply enjoy reading but essayists probably aren't going to move the world alone.

Generally, financially, I would suggests individuals first don't buy product from people who hate you or are ambivalent where possible, directly support if you can, and when it comes to like home window replacement or whatever try to find someone in your church (or substitute primary local community) first.

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Very fun but true essay on a movie that fundamentally Zoomer and millennial movie!

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Not at all what I expected to follow the El Salvadoran enclosure history lesson, but this article was a welcome twist! Also, LQB writes Twitter poetry? Looking forward to learning about another Jünger book

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